
学术 Calendar: View your SAC academic calendar.

学术地位: 基于学期成绩, 和总绩点, you may be limited or restricted from enrolling in future classes. Please pay attention to the stages in the SAC student academic status timeline.

大学手机App: The 阿拉莫大学 区 app keeps students informed, 连接, and up-to-date with easy access to student account information and resources at all five colleges.

计算机实验室: You have access to over 10 labs spread throughout the SAC campus.

联系信息: Important contact information that includes high school partners and campus resources.

核心课程: Review course descriptions for each class offered from the state core areas.

FERPA: An explanation of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act along with the form you, and your selected guardian, may choose to complete and submit.

金融援助: You are not currently eligible for federal financial aid but must maintain Satisfactory 学术 Progress to qualify for future aid after graduating high school.


阿拉莫大学 区 手机应用程序: For additional resources on your phone, download the app.

SAC GPA计算器: 美国东部时间imate the outcome of the grades you anticipate receiving this semester.


Student Code of Conduct: Provides insight into your 圣安东尼奥学院 disciplinary process.

学生的电子邮件: Watch the tutorial to forward your SAC student e-mail to your personal e-mail account.

学生手册: A great source for frequently asked questions (FAQs).

出国留学: Consider earning additional college credit, the summer after you graduate high school, before leaving for college. Visit the Alamo 大学 区’s web page for information and the application to one of our multiple out-of-country opportunities.

TRAC:参观Transfer & Career Center for information on:

  • 职业教练: Career assessment, exploration, and degree options.
  • O *网: Link career personality to specific professions and research each in depth.

记录请求: Review guidelines on ordering your official transcripts.

Transfer 建议 Guides (TAGs): You can view most Texas university transfer plans, and confirm which of your dual credit classes count toward your intended college major.

辅导: Take advantage of the services available in our tutoring centers, some of which are conveniently available online, during weekday evenings, 和周末.