新闻 Brief: 2019年4月8日


Public Relations

The weekly news brief contains the latest news and information from 帕洛阿尔托 大学.


PAC named Aspen Prize "Rising Star"

The Aspen Institute's named 帕洛阿尔托 大学 (PAC) a "Rising Star" award winner of the 2019 Aspen Prize for Community 大学 Excellence, the nation's signature recognition of high achievement and performance among America's community colleges. During an award ceremony in Washington, D.C., PAC was honored for building clear pathways to degrees and transfer, exceptional student advising, and strong partnerships with K-12 systems, which have resulted in remarkable improvement in the graduation and transfer rate over four years, from 28 percent to 47 percent. Read the whole story.

PAC students present to industry association

Four 帕洛阿尔托 大学 (PAC) Logistics students from the 2019 Operations Stimulus competition team – Jake Reed, 亚瑟Osvold, Augusto Castillo, and Derek Larm – presented their competition case study to the 圣安东尼奥 Transportation Association (SATA). The association has provided financial support to the PAC Logistics program each year since they have been competing in Operation Stimulus. The audience was impressed with the knowledge, 信心, and delivery of the students' SATA presentation. "帕洛阿尔托 大学 shined brightly, and I am so proud of my students," said Ronnie Brannon, lead instructor of the Logistics program.

After the presentation, the students were presented with a token of appreciation from the president of the organization. The students also had the opportunity to network with SATA members in attendance, who represented a wide range of sectors within the 圣安东尼奥 transportation industry.



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• Title: All submissions should include a title
• Body: Do not exceed 80 words or 3-4 full sentences
• No bullets; use full sentences only
• Use proper grammar and punctuation