常见问题- CELO




学生可以在校内找到工作, 作为联邦勤工俭学的一部分, 通过其他兼职工作. 


为学生, 谁有资格申请联邦勤工俭学, 作为助学金的一部分, 我们鼓励你申请勤工俭学, 无论是校内还是校外. 

Work-study on-campus offers a convenient work experience in a department on campus, while 勤工助学 Off-campus allows students to gain experience at a local non-profit or private sector company. 


Part-time positions may be available on-campus, hosted by individual departments.  These student support positions may vary by eligibility and qualifications. 

  • 有关逐步应用指南,请点击这里:  学生就业申请指南.
  • To view and apply for student jobs on-campus, visit the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 employment page:  兼职工作机会
  • 为你找工作或申请工作提供帮助, 联系职业参与学习办公室(CELO).

职业参与式学习办公室|  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net  |  (210) 486-5142


职位空缺因部门而异.  一些例子可以包括学术部门, 学术顾问, 宣传中心, 信息技术, 图书馆, 招聘, 学生生活, 及辅导服务.

与相关部门的招聘经理交谈, in which you are interested in working or 联系职业参与学习办公室(CELO) for assistance in searching for a job placement.

职业参与式学习办公室|  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net  |  (210) 486-5142


Positions are posted on the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 employment webpage.  访问:  www.阿拉莫.edu/jobs 学生就业 webpage for a current listing of job opportunities.

有关逐步应用指南,请点击这里:  学生就业申请指南.

To view and apply for student jobs on-campus, visit the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 employment page:  兼职工作机会

为你找工作或申请工作提供帮助, 联系职业参与学习办公室(CELO).

职业参与式学习办公室|  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net  |  (210) 486-5142

实习 & 从实践经验中学习


The 十大网赌正规网址官网区 connects students to internships, as part of the 阿拉莫的工作 实习项目.  Student Interns are matched to a local business or organization in the greater 圣安东尼奥 area, 基于学习区域和位置.  Student Interns can work up to 20 hours per week and the duration of the internship can last up to 9 months. 

To learn more about the 阿拉莫的工作 实习项目, visit the program page:  阿拉莫的工作.  

Students may also explore internship postings on the 十大网赌正规网址官网区 job board, hosted by 握手.  通过ACES中的Student选项卡访问您的握手帐户.

协助寻找及申请实习机会, please 联系职业参与学习办公室(CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

职业参与式学习办公室|  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net  |  (210) 486-5142


微型实习提供短期, 支付, 专业的作业, 哪些能让学生展示和完善工作技能, 获得行业经验, 并为他们的工作获得报酬.  许多微型实习可以远程进行, 通常可以在5到40个小时内完成.  项目薪酬和职位类型可能会有所不同, 但常见的例子包括与销售相关的工作, 市场营销, 人力资源, 金融, 技术经常被发布.

View the micro-internships student informational flyer here:  帕克杜威 Micro-实习

To learn more about micro-internships, visit the micro-internships posting site, hosted by 帕克杜威

协助寻找和申请微型实习, please 联系职业参与学习办公室(CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

职业参与式学习办公室|  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net  |  (210) 486-5142


我该如何选择合适的职业? 我的专业/学位是否正确?

Meeting with a Career Navigator can assist you in clarifying your career path.  We also recommend taking a career assessment to help identify your career interests.  东北湖景学院 offers two career assessments for students at no cost.

有关职业评估的说明,请点击这里:  职业评估说明.

To review the results of your career assessment or discuss your career options, please 联系职业参与学习办公室(CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

职业参与式学习办公室|  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net  |  (210) 486-5142


Career articles and videos have helpful information on developing an effective résumé.  查看有关如何创建rsamsum的提示, 还有一些例子和求职信, 点击“Indeed职业指南”了解:  简历 & 求职信

A Career Navigator is available to review your résumé and offer feedback for improvements so that you can best highlight your skills and summarize your experience.  你可以在任何时候要求复核, by emailing your résumé to the 职业参与学习办公室 (CELO) at:  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net

亲自回顾你的履历或讨论具体问题, please 联系职业参与学习办公室(CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

职业参与式学习办公室|  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net  |  (210) 486-5142


Career articles and videos have helpful information on preparing for a job interview.  To view tips on how to prepare for a job interview, click on the Indeed Career Guide for 面试.

A Career Navigator is available to assist you in preparing for a job interview and practicing with a mock interview.  为工作面试做准备和练习, please 联系职业参与学习办公室(CELO) to schedule an appointment with a Career Navigator.

职业参与式学习办公室|  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net  |  (210) 486-5142



A Career Navigator is available to meet with students to discuss topics on Career Exploration, 职业经历(学生工作和实习), 和职业准备.  会议方式可以包括电子邮件交流, 电话, 变焦/ web会议, 或者面对面的会议.

去见职业导航员, please 联系职业参与学习办公室(CELO) to schedule an appointment.

职业参与式学习办公室|  nlc-careers@qzhyw.net  |  (210) 486-5142