


  • Eligibility

    To be eligible, students must meet all of the following requirements:

    • Must NOT have already earned a bachelor’s degree or higher
    • 必须没有获得联邦佩尔助学金超过6年或相当于全日制入学12个学期.
    • 一定是在制造 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP)
    • 必须有合格的学生援助索引或 预期家庭贡献(EFC) 由你的FAFSA决定
    • 必须注册


  • EFC

    预期家庭贡献(EFC)是根据你的FAFSA数据计算的,它将决定你有资格获得多少基于需求的援助. 联邦佩尔助学金 awarding is set based on these EFC eligibility ranges published every year.


     0 – 6656  合格的佩尔助学金 4400以上的EFCs要求6小时以上的注册 
    EFCs 6400以上要求12+入学
     6657或以上  不符合佩尔助学金资格  


  • 联邦佩尔助学金 is awarded to eligible students in the summer. Eligibility will vary based on your fall/spring Pell awards and your summer enrollment. 



    • 如果你已经获得了秋季和春季的全部联邦佩尔助学金(在秋季和春季获得了12个小时的佩尔助学金), you may still qualify for additional Pell in the summer known as Year-Round Pell. To be eligible, you must maintain enrollment in at least 6 credit hours.
    • 全年Pell将支付夏季入学12个学分的全部奖励金额, and at a prorated (reduced) amount for 6-11 hours of summer enrollment. 





    • If you did not earn your full 联邦佩尔助学金 award for the fall and spring, you may qualify for additional Pell in the summer known as Residual Pell. 学生的符合条件的夏季奖励将基于Pell在秋季和春季未使用的时间.
    • Residual Pell will pay out at the full award amount for 12 credit hours of summer enrollment, and at a prorated (reduced) amount for 1-11 hours of summer enrollment.



If I am eligible to receive a 联邦佩尔助学金, do I have to pay it back?

除非收到资金后入学人数减少,否则联邦佩尔助学金不必偿还. 因退学而导致的入学人数减少, 被撤销, 或者退学可能会导致必须偿还部分或全部联邦佩尔助学金.

If I am required to repay Federal Pell funds due to a decrease in enrollment, 我还能获得其他类型的援助吗?

No, 联邦佩尔助学金s must be repaid in order to continue receiving financial aid. This includes future 联邦佩尔助学金 Funds, Federal Direct Loans and Work Study.

Can I receive Federal Pell funds for an unlimited number of semesters?

No, 2012年《十大网赌正规网址下载》将联邦佩尔助学金的支付限制为全日制入学六(6)年. Students who exceed this timeframe can no longer receive a 联邦佩尔助学金, 但可以申请联邦直接贷款, Work-Study, 或其他州助学金或奖学金. 

How will my total 联邦佩尔助学金 for the year be issued?

例子:一个学生获得了5美元的奖励,600 in 联邦佩尔助学金 can receive a maximum of $2,秋天800美元,春天800美元, 这取决于学生在人口普查当日注册的“官方”学时数.

How much 联邦佩尔助学金 will I actually receive per semester?

把你一年的奖金分成两半, 您有资格获得的学期最高金额是基于全日制(12小时)注册. 如果你在12小时内注册, 佩尔助学金的支付金额将根据你在入学时的实际学时按比例分配, 直到人口普查日期.
Example: A student who is eligible to receive a total 联邦佩尔助学金 of $2,800美元,但只注册了六(6)个小时的学生,总奖励金额将减少到1美元,400. 联邦佩尔助学金 funds incrementally decrease for enrollment between 9-11 hours, 6-8 hours, 1-5小时.


Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

联邦补充教育机会补助金(FSEOG)是一项基于需求的补助金,授予已获得联邦佩尔助学金并有最大经济需求的符合条件的本科生. 基金采用先到先得的原则.

To be eligible, students must meet all of the following requirements:



德州公共教育补助金(TPEG) is a need-based grant made available through each college’s resources. Priority is given to students with little or no 联邦佩尔助学金 eligibility, 而且资金是先到先得, 标间.
德州居民可获得资金, out-of-state, and foreign students and can range from $200-$2000 per year. 

To be eligible, students must meet all of the following requirements:


Texas Public Education Grant – 继续教育 (TPEG-CE)

德克萨斯州继续教育公共教育补助金(TPEG-CE)是一项基于需求的补助金,旨在帮助德克萨斯州居民学生支付职业或职业相关课程的学费和费用. 资金是先到先得, 先得先得,不包括图书费用, materials, 工具或任何其他用品.


If students register for classes before the TPEG-CE award is approved, they must set up a self-payment or third party payment at the time of registration.


  • Applications are accepted for currently enrolled courses only. 完成的课程不获发还款项.
  • Students must pay for any tuition and fees not covered by TPEG-CE.



The 德州教育机会补助金)是由德克萨斯州资助的一项基于需求的拨款, 颁发给在德克萨斯州公立两年制大学就读的学生,比如十大网赌正规网址官网区. 

  • 初始Eligbility



    • 国家财政援助资格表: Student will self certify whether they have been convicted of any felony; or any offense involving a controlled substance. 学生还将自行证明他们是否迟交子女抚养费超过30天. 
    • 选择性服务登记状态声明:学生将自行证明他们已登记为选择性服务或他们被豁免. 
    • Both forms 必须在45天内完成 after receiving the initial TEOG offer notification to their ACES email.



  • 更新Eligbility

    • 必须是以前的TEOG初始奖获得者
    • 必须是德州居民吗
    • 必须填写 免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA) or the 德克萨斯州财政援助申请(TASFA)
    • 必须有经济需要
    • Must be enrolled 学位课程每学期至少有一半的时间
    • 一定是在制造 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) and 每年满足以下要求:
      • Must have 75% successful completion of attempted hours 
      • 必须是2.5 GPA
    • Must not have earned an associate or baccalaureate degree
    • Must not have been convicted of any felony; or any offense involving a controlled substance
    • Must not be more than 30 days late in making a child support payment
    • Must be registered for Selective Service or be exempt




  • Student reaches the four year maximum time frame since receiving their first award
  • 学生达到75个大学学分
  • 学生获得副学士学位 
Can I receive TEOG at 阿拉莫大学 and TEXAS grant at another school in the same year?

A student may only receive a TEOG grant and a TEXAS grant award in the same academic year if 两项奖学金不能在同一学期获得.

For example, should a student receive TEXAS grant in the fall at another university and transfer to Alamo, the state will allow the spring TEOG award to disburse here. 

Will I receive my full TEOG offer if I am enrolled half time?

不,经济援助是基于全日制学生在12个学时的预期. TEOG将按比例分配, 或者根据百分比重新计算, 如果你在6-11学分之间注册. 


Full-Time 3/4 Time Half-Time
12 Hours 9-11 Hours 6-8 Hours 
原报价的100% 原报价的75% 原报价的50%
Is there a deadline to accept my TEOG offer as a first-time initial recipient?

No, 从今年开始,德州教育机会助学金将自动为你的ACES录取. 

Can I submit an appeal to continue to receive TEOG based on a hardship?

Yes, students may submit a hardship appeal to potentially regain their TEOG award. These appeals will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. 根据以下资格标准,目前不符合TEOG资格的学生将被考虑:

  • GPA or completion rate that falls below SAP requirements.
  • 入学时间少于6个学时.
  • 尝试75个或以上学分.
  • 达到了最长4年的限制.