Global Engagement Network for International Education




The purpose of the Global Engagement Network for International Education (GENIE) is to connect international and domestic students by creating programming that actively provides opportunities for cross-cultural interaction between international students, domestic students, faculty, and the greater College community. GENIE provides a mutual benefit for students as they forge relationships with each other, develop new perspectives, and form multicultural competencies that assist them throughout their educational journeys. GENIE is also a key component of the Alamo Global Student Distinction (AGS) which awards students participating in qualifying international activities a global competency designation upon completion of certain activities.

GENIE consists of two components: peer group cohorts and multicultural programming. Domestic and international students may participate in either or both options which foster cross-cultural communication and promote appreciation and understanding of different multinational groups.

  • Peer group Cohorts. GENIE peer-group cohorts are designed to connect and provide mutual benefits for domestic and international students alike. While domestic students will assist international students with gaining a deeper understanding of the American and Texan cultures, international students will provide domestic students with an opportunity to gain a new cultural perspective and become more competent in their intercultural interactions. Cohorts of three to four students, both domestic and international, will be assigned to a Culture Navigator who will organize and lead activities.
  • Multicultural Programming. The second component of GENIE includes multicultural activities such as Discover San Antonio historical site exploration, cross-cultural workshops, visits to the Texas State Capitol, and international activities during International Education Week.

Participate in GENIE

Join Now Button.png


Requirements to participate in GENIE

  • Open to all current Alamo Colleges District Student
  • Submit a student profile
  • Attend an orientation
  • Attend any mandatory meeting
  • Attend at least 3 GENIE Activities
  • Can join a GENIE Cohort
  • Read communications concerning GENIE updates and upcoming activities
  • Be willing to engage in intercultural activities
  • Be respectful of cultural, religious, political, and sexual orientation differences

Benefits of participating in GENIE

Domestic Students

  • Engage in intercultural experiences
  • Meet new people with different perspectives
  • Practice your second language skills with a native speaker
  • Become more globally aware by learning about new cultures
  • A chance to share your culture Develop interpersonal and
    communication skills
  • Help promote International Education

International Students

  • Connect with ACD students before and after arriving in the U.S.
  • Meet new people with different perspectives
  • Practice your English skills
  • Learn about the U.S. and Texan culture through the eyes of a domestic student
  • A chance to share your culture
  • Develop interpersonal and communication skills
  • Help promote International Education


Duties and Responsibilities of GENIE Participants

Domestic Students

  • Attend required orientation and meetings
  • Attend 3 GENIE Activities per semester
  • Be respectful of others
  • Be willing to engage in activities
  • Be willing to share and help other
    learn about U.S. and Texan Culture

International Students

  • Attend required orientation and meetings
  • Attend 3 GENIE Activities per semester and participate in cohort activities
  • Be respectful of others
  • Be open to learning about the U.S. and Texan culture
  • Be willing to share and help others learn about your culture

Culture Navigator (Cohort Leaders)

Culture Navigators are peer champions of internationalization and will connect with new international students to partner with them as they explore not only American culture but also the Alamo Colleges District community. Selection of Culture Navigators will include an application and interview process. Formal training will be provided.


  • Previous International Experience
  • 2.0 GPA
  • Submit an application (link to application)
  • Submit an interesting essay
  • Faculty recommendation
  • Complete an interview with the Office of International Program


  • Develop Leadership Skill
  • Compensation

Duties and Responsibilities

  • Develop GENIE activities
  • Promote GENIE activities on social media
  • Lead and communicate GENIE cohort activities

Become a GENIE Culture Navigator

Apply Now Button.png


Upcoming GENIE Activities

To be announced!

Visit our YouTube channel if you are interested in viewing past GENIE activities.

YouTube Channel 




Point of Contact:

Patricia Ferguson


Phone: 210-485-0158